Surf Guitar 101 Convention
Suzy's Bar and Grill1141 Aviation Blvd. (at Prospect)Hermosa Beach, California
Noon to 5 or 7 pm, separate night show is 8 pm to midnight
a Swap Meet of surf music(cds, lp's 45s -new used), and instrument/gearshirts, posters, hats etc. if you have surf swag/merch to sell bring it, grab a free table and sell away.Major Vendors will be.
Double Crown Records
Dionysus Records
Golly Gee Records
Gomez Amplification
Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum
John Blair with his re-issue of The 80's album Stampede on CDw bonus trx
Machturtle Productions, and many surf bands cds.plus many other bands members will be there selling their cds.
There will be 1 table with Tiki magazine and other tiki related stuffif you get tired of the Surf stuff.
**but Please save enough Money for the Night show, and their Merch. they need money too, as some of them are coming from The Mid West andNor. Cal.
Multi media presentations,Dominic Priore's Assistant Brian from the Dumb Angel Gazette and Surf Pop Culture Books, will have some of their books and mags.showing surf music clips from the 60's and a slide show of historic pictures
and Possibly have the Original Surfaris Sufari LP for sale.(Lmited qtys)
There will be a short trailer of the "Sound of Surf" music documentary that is in production now, and they may be doing interviews at this event for the film.
Paul Johnson will be having the premier of the Pounding Surf! DVDplus historic stories and footage from the 60's surf scene.plus all of the different cds he has for sale.
Surf Show
4 Bands
The Boardwalkers(LA)
The Aquasonics(Colorado)
Secret Samurai,(San Diego)
ALSO just added a short 4 song Eliminators set,4 songs of Eddie Bertrand with the Eliminators,and a 30 min Slacktone set.
.Later that night The Madeira from Mid west, Pollo Del Mar from Nor. Cal., Insect Surfers and Detonators are playing 8 pm till Midnight.
There is also a San Diego show with Pollo Del Mar,Madeira,Secret Samurai, and Zombie Surf Camp, on the Fri. nite. Aug 1st. If anybody would like to go down there to get an early start on the Reverb overdose weekend.here is rough schedule.
Swap meet Noon to 2 pm
1:30 to 1:45 slide show of old surf history by Brian Chidister.
1:45 to 2pm, clips from the surf drumming dvd
2pm drum off with Dusty Watson, and Jeff Utterback.
2:20 ish. The Sound of Surf trailer clips , surf music documentary
2:30 Slacktone,
3pm Eddie Bertrand, and PJ and Norm of Ghastly Ones do Squad Car and Mr. Moto.
3 :15, Jams with some people playing with Dusty and PJ.
3:45ish. Outterwave
4:15ish Eddie Bertrand w Eliminators 4 songs. Then Eliminators 4 songs
4:45ish Boardwalkers
5:15ish Aquasonics
5:45 Secret Samurai
6:15 back to the Jam,
7 pm end of the show.
Jeff has worked hard to put together this great reverb drenched array of events for you all to enjoy.
Be there!