While living at the beach is great, when the weather starts to get cold I'm nowhere near the water. One of the methods I now use to get through the winter is spending time at another beach, Echo Beach. My friend, The Turn Table Terrorist, does an excellent job in keeping the Dub Fires ablaze via his weekly radio show Echo Beach on WLUW-FM in Chicago. Showcasing the ever-inspiring sounds of old school to the newest releases to be heard, it always puts my mind in the proper perspective. You can catch the show live at www.wluw.org from 8am to 10am GMT or if you're a Left Coaster like me, you can always catch up by heading to you can check out the extensive archives at archive.org (just search for "Echo Beach.").
Finally, another dub radio show, "The Echo Chamber," which was started by TTT and his good friend Dr. Strangedub (aka Michael Rose) back in 1996 on KFAI-FM in Minneapolis/St. Paul, is celebrating it's 15th anniversary on the August 31st show (from 2am to 5am CDT). This one's available live via the www.kfai.org web site and is also archived at archive.org. "The Echo Chamber" has the distinction of being the firstand longest running dub-centric radio show in the US.
But wait...There's more!.... If you act right now you can receive the excellent Echo Beach Around The World In Dub show that was broadcast this last April.
But wait... There's even more! The next Echo Beach show November 18th (early tomorrow morning) will have a guest DJ segment by another friend of mine, British soundmaster, DJ Aldo, with a broadcast from his Radio Ghana "Celebration of Dub" show he put together several years ago. To be able to bring the exceptional talents of these two together to create an outstanding show for the Dubbies out there is yet another miracle of the cyberworld.
Please make sure you leave some comments. Hope you enjoy the shows.

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